“But it’s just a bunch of toys on cardboard.” “It is and it isn’t. We’re up here looking down on it, see. Lincoln Logs, a piece of fabric draped over Rock ’em Sock ’em robots, a little old silver stereo … Continue reading
Category Archives: Days of Grey
When she was born, she slept much. Her cries when first she emerged were soft and quickly quieted when place in my arms, and when the midwife was left, I spent hours (tired though I was) contemplating her as I … Continue reading
The Birds of Blue are commonly mistaken for the Bluebird of Happiness. The mistake is easy and obvious, and happens almost as commonly as the creatures themselves come around – which, thankfully, is not very often. They travel in pairs, … Continue reading
“What if we don’t make it?” Lauren’s voice was thin and crackling with the exhaustion we were all feeling, but it carried enough for most of the heads of our group to whip around in her direction; a few faces … Continue reading
Put the kettle on my darling put the kettle on over the smoldering fire in the air so dry Put the kettle on my darling let’s have tea Put the kettle on my darling put the kettle on in the … Continue reading