In light of the events of the day (and the events of many days, though today more deliberately and starkly than usual) I find myself evaluating my parenting, particularly in terms of my personal response to emergencies, and my overall … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2012
On Sunday afternoon, after a long afternoon of children’s party and swimming in the pool, I went indoors to check y mobile phone and discovered that it would not turn on. It took no charge, either plugged in to a … Continue reading
Please enjoy this excerpt from Moa, a paranormal YA novel with a literary bent by Tricia Stewart Shiu. Then read on to learn how you can win huge prizes as part of this blog tour, including $600 in Amazon gift … Continue reading
The following story was just dictated to me: A long time ago, when there was one boy named Jasper who had lots of weapons, including shield and a sword, he went on an adventure. But then one day he forgot … Continue reading
Let me tell you a little story about a man named Mark. Mark is the firstborn son to a couple that started their family in the mid-fifties, and in true Catholic tradition didn’t stop adding to it for quite a … Continue reading
“To foreigners, a Yankee is an American. To Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner. To Northerners, a Yankee is an Easterner. To Easterners, a Yankee is a New Englander. To New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter. And in Vermont, … Continue reading
Sound the horns and beat the drums – Nightmare Fuel and Bits of Bliss are now available in print copy format. Even better, they’re going to be available signed by the author. (That would be me.) This is going to be a … Continue reading
So, here’s the thing about ants. I hate them. Don’t get me wrong. Out in nature, tooling around and being all industrious, building sandy tunnel nations and collecting food for winter and harping at the grasshoppers to get their ass in … Continue reading
Posting about my exciting day – a long story made short, I have a new email address, because I got banned from GooglePlus. I KNOW, RIGHT?! No, chillax a second, put down the pitchforks, because clearly, I am still here. As Deckard … Continue reading
Deadline: Aug. 15 2012. Every rebel has his or her galactic dictator. The gallant young gentleman has his moustache-twirling railroad binder (not to mention the sweet thing tied to the tracks). The cheeky highwayman and the corrupt sheriff. For every … Continue reading