“To foreigners, a Yankee is an American. To Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner. To Northerners, a Yankee is an Easterner. To Easterners, a Yankee is a New Englander. To New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter. And in Vermont, … Continue reading
Category Archives: Nightmare Fuel
Sound the horns and beat the drums – Nightmare Fuel and Bits of Bliss are now available in print copy format. Even better, they’re going to be available signed by the author. (That would be me.) This is going to be a … Continue reading
I can say that because I’ve published a book. https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/153938 This began several years ago, when I started having nightmares. Not that I’d never had nightmares before, mind you… but I’d never had them one on top of another, ceaselessly, all … Continue reading
That’s right, I moved! No, not in meatspace… but here! A lot of it probably looks pretty much the same, which means the move was successful, but when you look up at the URL you’ll see that I’m at callmebliss.wordpress.com … Continue reading
It becomes increasingly tricky to innovate a fairly well-explored fiction genre, and the idea of a zombie apocalypse is no exception – zombies are fast or slow, voodoo or viral, after your brains or simply any iron-rich tissue of the … Continue reading
I recently downloaded Big Chills, one of 8 books currently available from John McDonnell, from Amazon.com as part of a free promotion. Big Chillsis a collection of 9 pieces of horror flash fiction from this (according to the Amazon blurb) … Continue reading
I hadn’t seen anybody in weeks. That wasn’t entirely true. I saw Manny every day, if you call peering out the window at the fallen husk that had been his body “seeing.” He’d gotten tired of waiting, tired of wanting … Continue reading
“…so what it really comes down to is not what religious-based system of morals you claim to adhere you, what your parents taught you to do, how well you please your boss, which charities you support, or stopping at that … Continue reading
The gathering below started small, at first – just one or two of the tiny fae, not bigger than a blueberry any one of them. Then more came flitterfloating in from all directions, in pairs and bunches, and every last … Continue reading
It was the end of the world, they said. It was the obliteration of life as we know it, they said. It was inescapable, they said. It was beautiful. It happened at night, where I was, the chunk of spacebody … Continue reading